my neighbour
Walking out of my place, I am greeted by my new neighbour. "My name is John and I am here from LA!". Cool and what does he do? "I build satellites for Lockheed Martin..."
Wow! I am all set to scream out my sales pitch as to how I can help him make the software for the satellite that will ensure it stays orbiting forever. But i hold up for a bit..
and he goes on talking about himself, swaying almost 60 degress in the hot sun, thanks to the beer in his hand. he was positively drunk.
"I love to BBQ! and if you find me pounding upstairs just tell me to quite it down - we gotta communicate!"
As it turns out he loves to party and is growing old and was looking for some guys to turn up the volume ..never mind the partying, i really wanted to figure out what he is really made of:)
So i pop a question - "so you an aeronautical engineer" - he says "nah..i havent gotten a degree yet, i have been thinking of studying but the 16 hrs a day is killing me.. hey but i love to party you know. I dont party a lot now cause age is catching up..but you never know.."
So build satellites could easily mean working on an assembly line..but who am I to judge. Lets see what he comes up with next!