who gives a blog?

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

This takes the cake

Came across this web 2.0 startup that helps couples save their marriage!

"OurCoupleSpace™ (patent pending) is a breakthrough web application that provides couples with an individually tailored, ongoing (not one shot), interactive relationship-management tool, designed to enable them to maximize their satisfaction with each other—to strengthen, ensure, and revitalize their marriages/committed relationships. Our Coupl Space’s market are the approximately 30M couples in USA alone, who are either unhappy with their marriage or would like to “kick it up a notch,” as well as other key demographics. OCS works by incorporating the latest most definitive research on the requisites (predictors) for long lasting happy marriages, some of the best practices for saving marriages on the verge of divorce and state-of-the-art web2.0 innovations. "

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Full moon at the Quad

The traditional Stanford party to welcome the freshman..ermmm and for them to get cozy with the seniors. It was like a wild rock concert.

Check out http://www.tow.com/photogallery/2003/20031009_fmotq/ for the inside scoop. What was I doing there you may ask? Some of the perks of being a continuing education student :)

Sign of bubble 2.0?

A reputed VC firm recently returned a 300M fund it had raised to its investors citing a bad exit environment and an overall weak investing environment. The article explains the reasons why this has been done, which hopefully are isolated to only this particular VC and the challenges it has faced to create shareholder value (namely its negative returns during the bust and some IPO’s that didn’t work out).

