bay area or gay area?
I recently witnessed THE most outrageous parade i have ever seen in my life! The SFO gay parade!!!
and man i have never seen such open, diverse and (i can't believe i am using this word) vibrant! people in my life! and not to forget, all of them absolutely proud to be gay!
dont believe me? Check out some outrageous snaps here!
and some really funny ones too! like little girls carrying signs which say "I love my mommies"!:)
the FUNNIEST of them all was the DESI gay community!!! maan i just remember a line from the russel peter comedy where his dad says "Indian men cannot be gay!" that group just cracked me up! Unfortunately i ran out of battery by the time they came on and cold not take any snaps of them..i just went trigger happy as soon as the parade started cause all em them were worth to be on camera!
enjoy the snaps:)
why is it funny to see a Desi gay contingent in the pride parade?
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